Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Tam Techie Question

I was deep in thought for a long time today and thought I'd put this up. Please leave your reactions as comments. What does the picture depict?

Pen Drive :)


Unknown said...

*sniff* *weep* I'm so proud of you.. And you'll also be interested in hearing Rishi Iyer's reaction to this...Too funny..

SuperMus said...

thank you, thank you. i knew you'd like it. (refer to point 5 and slightly modify it)

rishi iyer?? hmmm.. interesting. what did he say?

Unknown said...

i told u tat point 5 doesn hold good :p
tats a good one ....

AB Van Kenabi said...

tharu maaru mokke!

Blogeswari said...

ha ha ha.. yabbbha.. nice one.. a good one